When Kendylife meets Miao&WafuPafu

Aloha everyone! I hope you had a great weekend!

Today's comic features a unique and cute cat, Miao&WafuPafu by Jian! This comic is a fan art given to Jian as a token of thanks, for inspiring me to do many things! 

(Similar: When Kendylife meets Evacomics)

Read on!

One random day.....


Where Is Miao anyways?

Read the full story HERE !

Anyways, this story is also based on a true story, sometimes we tend to get distracted to do other stuffs
(Rushing work, eat, and do some awesome hallucination ) and we tend to forgot that we are on the chat XD

Have you ever encounter that? 

Have a nice week ahead!


Also.....plsssss don't forget to vote for me!!!

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Thank youuuuu sooo muchie!! Love ya! XD

Kendy :3

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