When Kendylife meets Brodontlikelabro

Happy Labour Day everyone! 

Today's comic features Ernest and the Bro's from Bro,Don't Like That La, Bro...IN DOGE VERSION  ! This comic is a fan art given to Ernest as a token of thanks, for inspiring me to do many things! 

Read on~

The BRO'S have one thing in common....guess what is that?

Well I don't know what will you call me if I am in a DOGE version..... anyways, should I be relaxing rather than working now? 

Wishing everyone Happy Labour Day and the 1st of May!

Previous series:
When Kendylife meets Miao&WafuPafu
When Kendylife meets Evacomics


Also.....plsssss don't forget to vote for me!!!

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Thank youuuuu sooo muchie!! Love ya! XD


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